Jumat, 26 Januari 2024

About Telkom University Surabaya (Tel-U Surabaya)

Telkom University Surabaya (Tel-U Surabaya) is the result of the transformation of Telkom Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITTS). Established on September 4, 2018, ITTS was the first institution under the auspices of YPT in East Java. In December 2023, ITTS merged with Telkom University and became Tel-U Surabaya Campus.

The history of Telkom University traces back to Telkom School of Technology (STT Telkom), founded in 1990. In 2007, STT Telkom evolved into Telkom Institute of Technology. Telkom University itself was established on August 14, 2013.

Tel-U Surabaya is the first university in the region with a focus on the application of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in the fields of maritime, transportation, and logistics.

Beyond academic pursuits, Telkom University Surabaya encourages students to actively engage in non-academic activities. The campus facilitates student involvement through Student Activity Units (UKM), which are organizations under the Directorate of Student Affairs. These units gather students with similar interests and hobbies, providing a platform for non-academic activities to develop and showcase their talents and potentials. Additionally, UKM helps students socialize and gain valuable experiences. Telkom University Surabaya offers 15 UKMs for students to participate in, including:

Religious Units

Islamic Spirituality (UKKI) Christian Spirituality (UKKK) St. Feligon Catholic Students Community Scientific Units

Coder Robotics ECITTS (Information and Communication Technology Students Society) Cycology Sports Units

Badminton E-Sport Volleyball Basketball MAHITKOM (Maritime and Communication Technology Students Community) Art Units

ITTS Media Telkom Art Choir (Paduan Suara)

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